Introduction to Flight Mechanics (EAS 4105)

The primary areas considered are fundamental of flights, standard of atmosphere, basic aerodynamics, how aircraft fly, elements of airplane performance. principle of stability and control, and propulsion system and flight performance.

Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity (EAS 4993)

The primary areas considered are structural dynamics, static aeroelasticity, and dynamic aeroelasticity. The structural dynamics material emphasizes vibration, the modal representation, and dynamic response of aircraft’s components. Aeroelastic phenomena discussed include divergence, aileron reversal, airload redistribution, unsteady aerodynamics, flutter, and elastic tailoring.

Mechanics of Material (EMA 3702)

The course will cover Basic Equation of Linear Elasticity, Constitutive Behavior of Materials, Linear Elasticity Solutions, Engineering Structural Analysis, Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory, Three-Dimensional Beam Theory, Torsion, Thin-Walled Beams

Statics (ENG 3311)

The following topics to be covered in this course: Fundamental mechanics and unit systems,  vector mechanics, equilibrium of particles, concentrated and distributed force systems, principles of rigid-body equilibrium, equilibrium of trusses and frames, analysis of internal forces in beams and cables, friction forces, center of gravity, centroid, area and mass moment of inertia, virtual work and potential energy.