• Editorial Board, Technobiology Journal, August 2018 – present

  • Professional member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

  • Professional member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

  • Professional member, American Physical Society (APS)

  • Technical Conferences/Sessions Organized and/or Chaired:

    SES 2012, Student organizer
    ASME 2014, Topic organizer for adaptive structures
    AIAA 2015, Session chair for aircraft structural design
    SBMT 2017, Session chair for fractal geometry and brain mapping
    SBMT 2018, Session chair for AI, big data analytics and brain mapping

  • Peer Reviewer of

    AIAA Journal
    Journal of Aircraft
    Journal of Aerospace Engineering
    Journal of Fluids and Structures
    Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics
    Journal of Vibration and Control
    ASME, IMECE 2012, International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition
    ASME, IDETC 2013, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
    SciTech, AIAA 2015, Aeroelasticity and Structures